BREWERY // Patrick Rue started homebrewing as a distraction to the banality of law school. People liked his beers and he started racking up medals. Upon graduating, he decided to spend his time putting together a business plan for a brewery rather than study for the Bar exam. A decade later, The Bruery is admired the world over for their genre-tilting beers which take influence from the Belgian countryside, American distilleries, French Patisseries and everywhere in between. About half their beers are aged in wine or spirit barrels. About 5 years ago, they launched the offshoot 'Bruery Terreaux' which focusses exclusively on wild fermented ales with a different brewteam working in a completely different brewery to eliminate the possibility of errant yeast effecting contaminating 'clean' beers. And last year, they started 'Offshoot' which is yet another offshoot allowing their brewers to focus on brewing Juicy Tubes (aka Hazy IPAs).
BEER // As a dedicated Beer Jerk, you probably already know about the Reinheitsgebot-dodging 1,000 year-old tart, effervescent beer made with coriander and salt. The style is named for the river Gose in Lower Saxony which historically provided local brewers with slightly salty water due to the high mineral content picked up as it flows through the Harz mountains. The style almost disappeared but has recently seen a big resurgence. The Bruery Terreaux brewed a classic example of this wheat based beer, added a load of Syrah grapes, spiked it with their house cultures and aged it in an oak foeder (huge barrel). The result is a very tart, elegant and unique beer. The semisweet grapes give delicate undertones of blackberries and pomegranate that compliment the salted sourdough pretzel flavours of the wheat base. The wild yeast results in a decidedly dry and tart finish reminiscent of sharp lime peel.
BREWERY // Bruery Terreaux
BEER // Gose
ORIGIN // Orange County, California
ABV // 5.3%
TEMPERATURE // Cool - 9-12C
FOOD MATCH // Fries & Mayo. Roasted Beetroot Salad. Rare Lamb. Shrimp Avocado Tostadas. Vanilla Cheesecake.
GLASS // Weissbier Glass. White Wine Glass