BREWERY // Eight years ago Shigeo, Jordan and Dylan were young Wellington beer enthusiasts who got together to drink and to brew collaboratively. It was pretty much inevitable that Funk Estate Brewery would grow from this friendship and shared love of beer. After brewing in Wellington and Auckland they now have a beautiful home in Mt Maunganui. The best place to drink Funk beers (other than your sofa) is right next door to the brewery at The Rising Tide pub. They are still doing what they set out to do- "pleasing crowds without being a typical crowd-pleaser". Currently the team are focussing on lots of exciting new releases including a steady stream of kettle sours. Last year they opened a fillery in central Wellington where you can grab take-aways, fill riggers and load up on Funky merch.
BEER // When Funk Estate first brewed this Strawberry Yoghurt Sour Ale in 2017 it was seen as pretty radical. Fast forward a few years and the rest of the beer world has caught up. Yoghurt is actually no stranger to beer and is used to sour the wort (unfermented beer) in many 'kettle soured' beers. Lactobacillus (a lactic acid producing bacteria) raised from yoghurt is added after the mash and before boiling to 'kettle sour' the beer and give it a very refreshing bite. Cosmic Hustle takes the yogurtiness to the next level with the addition of strawberries and lactose (milk sugar) which gives the beer a creamy quality and a touch of sweetness which counters the tart sour notes. It's a deliciously smashable, summery and clever beer.
BREWERY // Funk Estate
BEER // Cosmic Hustle
STYLE // Kettle Sour
ORIGIN // Mt Maunganui
ABV // 5.8%
FOOD MATCH // Peanut Butter & Sriracha on Toast. Thai Basil Chicken. Spinach Quiche. Citrus Halibut.
VESSEL // Smoothie Glass. Highball